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Retail Jobs

Find your ideal Retail job in the UK by applying for jobs and registering with agencies up to two years before you plan to travel to the UK.

Prepare for the experience of a lifetime by reading this page and visiting our essential tips section.

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Retail sales experience from home will provide you with lots of great options for work in the UK. Temporary positions within the UK retail industry are numerous and temps from Australia, New Zealand and Canada are welcomed for their excellent customer service abilities and work ethic. This is a seasonal industry with the busiest times during Christmas and throughout the tourist season of April to September. Most opportunities will be in larger cities or town centres where shopping reigns as a pastime and tourists abound.

Pay rates for shop assistants or stockroom staff start from £5.70 per hour and up to £17 per hour for area managers.

Remember to bring your CV and references from previous employers.

  • Pluses: great way to meet people from all over the world
  • Minuses: job availability can be highly seasonal

Find your ideal Retail job by registering with Workgateways up to two years before you plan to travel to the UK.

Prepare for the experience of a lifetime by also visiting our essential tips section.