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About Workgateways

Job Seekers

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What are the basics of getting a job in the UK?

You can apply to individual jobs AND register with leading agencies in your field.

With Workgateways - one site and one log-in and you gain access to the whole UK before you leave home, and while you travel!

You can also learn a lot from this site as you plan and prepare for your UK trip. Learn when you should be registering with agencies, when to apply for specific jobs and how to maximise your UK job search.
Find out about your industry in the UK; current conditions, job market trends, pay rates to expect and essential tips like getting your UK visa, opening a UK bank account and finding a place to live.

We are a gateway to working in the UK. To get a job in the UK you will need to apply to specific positions or register with specific UK recruitment agencies.

Why try to get the job search underway before you go?

If you’d like to earn pounds in a great job as soon as possible - getting in touch with recruitment agencies who are interested in your experience before you go is the key. Workgateways is a great way to get in touch with the right recruitment agencies, which gives you more time and money for the adventures ahead. We do this through a select network of UK recruitment agencies specialising in your field. You can register directly with agencies or apply for specific jobs on-line.

Apply to job posts and register with UK agencies. Why do both?

The aim is to get your resume in front of recruitment consultants who are specialists in your area. This is particularly important in economic slowdowns. Both methods achieve this and therefore it is advisable to do both. If you find that you have the attention of 3 agencies that seem like they will help you - you've most likely done enough.

Timing is the key; read on.

When is the best time to start applying to job posts and recruitment agencies?

Register up to 2 years in advance and begin immediately taking advantage of Workgateways’ advice and recruitment network. Not all types of jobs are the same – here is a rough guide to the ideal timeframes for registering with agencies and applying to specific jobs. If you have just arrived – register with agencies now!

In general you should always register with a number of agencies. Do this by registering through Workgateways online up to 2 years before you arrive. Applying for specific jobs becomes more relevant as your UK arrival date approaches.

Most jobs listed on this site (or any site for that matter) require you to be going to the UK and have a work visa.

If you apply to a specific job two months before you arrive in the UK, chances are that particular job will be gone by the time you arrive (unless you apply to a job that offers sponsorship) – however you have not wasted your time. A recruitment consultant who deals with similar jobs now knows you are coming to the UK. On the other hand, registering for a specific job one to four weeks before you arrive could land that particular job.

The timeframes for registering with agencies and applying to various jobs depend on the type of job that you are seeking. Here are some guidelines;

Teaching jobs – ideally up to 2 years before you go. You can and should register with agencies or apply to specific jobs up to 2 years before you are planning to be in the UK. The teaching jobs market is dominated by agencies and they often offer a lot of assistance before you go. Sometimes agencies even help in attaining your UK police check.

Medical, Nursing and Doctors jobs – You can and should register with agencies or apply to jobs between 1 and 2 years before you are planning to be in the UK. Agencies in this job sector usually offer a lot of personal assistance in your preparation to go to the UK. For medical professionals including Nurses, Midwives, Doctors, Pharmacists and others wishing to practise their profession in the UK, registration with an appropriate body is required and agencies often will assist with this. Registration with your professional body can take up to 6 months – so planning is essential. Apply for specific jobs at any time.

Accounting, Banking and Finance, Construction, Engineering, Social Work, Town Planning and Legal professionals;

You can start registering with suitable agencies from 2 years to 1 week before you arrive.

Opportunites in these professions can be filled relatively quickly (even in economic slowdowns); it is therefore a good idea to ensure you remain fresh in the minds of your recruitment consultants for upcoming positions. To do this, keep your information online up to date, especially 1-3 months (2 months is ideal) before you arrive. For more information see How do I get the most out of my Workgateways job search?

Start applying to specific job posts from about 3 months before you arrive until 2 weeks after you arrive.

Look out for jobs that offer sponsorship; you can apply for these at any time.

Other Jobs – Bar, Live-in, Office, Trades, Labour, Hospitality, Sales, Nannies, and Retail jobs;

You can start registering with suitable agencies from 2 years to 1 week before you arrive.

Through Workgateways, jobs in these areas are generally quick to find. Be sure to start applying to lots of specific jobs about 1 week before you arrive and also after you arrive in the UK. If you would really like to secure a job before you leave home, some agencies offer ‘accommodation and work’ packages.

Remember to keep your file up to date – particularly your arrival date, UK visa details and travel email. When you register online you become part of Workgateways’ community. You gain access to personalised assistance and by opting in for our e-newsletter you learn more about living in the UK and other fun, useful work and travel information.

Why use Workgateways for my job search?

Workgateways manages a network of the best recruitment agencies with services aimed at travellers; Workgateways is simple to use and provides the guidance required to put you in control of your employment search. Once you have registered there is no need to enter your details each time you want to register with an agency or apply for a job – just login – update your details and get ready for the adventures ahead.

Does it cost anything for UK job-seekers to use Workgateways?

No, it does not cost you anything to register and to take advantage of the UK employment services of WORKgateways.

Can I secure a job overseas before leaving my home country?

Unless you are a specialist professional, as a general rule it is often quite difficult to secure employment prior to leaving your home country. UK-based employers usually want to meet you face-to-face before they take the associated risks of starting a new employee. There are big advantages to applying to jobs and registering through WORKgateways before leaving home however. For more information see - How do I get the most out of Workgateways job search?

From time to time employers will recruit directly from overseas, such as highly sought after teachers, nurses or specialist design engineers. This is due to very high demand in these areas and often employers will travel to interview. The key to taking advantage of these opportunities is registering with agencies in your field.

Tip: If you do have plans to go to the UK – it is to your advantage to approximate the arrival date on your online file.

Do I need to be going to the UK to get work?

For about 95% of people it is necessary to be going to the UK to get work, unless you are a specialist professional.

In general, your chances of securing work in the UK are dramatically increased if you are actually going. See How do I get the most out of my Workgateways job search?

If you are looking for work before leaving from your home country, the best way to find work is to identify suitable jobs that specifically state things like “will provide sponsorship” and “interviews will be held in Sydney/Auckland/Cape Town etc.” Apart from Workgateways, look in major newspapers and jobsites in your country. You can also register with agencies through Workgateways. Another avenue is to explore employment opportunities with a multinational in your home country and take advantage of any exchange programs or opportunities as they present themselves.

If you are a teacher, nurse or specialist professional you should register with agencies in your field regardless of your travel plans.

I don’t have a set departure date or UK visa yet; can I still register with Workgateways?

Yes, if you are in the beginning stages of your UK plans you can go ahead and register on-line. In doing so, you will become a member of the Workgateways community. You’ll benefit from our on-line information service, such as our popular e-Newsletter, that will give you helpful guidance and even a regular employment update. You can search Workgateways’ current job listings and, based on position requirements frequently sought in the UK, you can pinpoint any skill sets you might like to develop prior to your departure. This can often increase your UK employability or earning power once you are in the UK. So yes, it’s a good idea to get involved early! Also come and join us on Facebook.

Tip: Keep your file up to date as your travel plans become more set! Also set an approximate arrival date if possible. This is how you will communicate with recruitment consultants in the UK and ensure that your job search is well underway prior to your arrival.

Who can access my information?

Only you, WORKgateways and any recruitment agency with whom you choose to register or through whom you apply to jobs. No one else has access to your information. Be sure to keep your log-in safe! If you forget your username and/or login, please email us.

Great Tips – Make the jobs come to you

How do I get the most out of my Workgateways job search?

The most important thing you can do to get a job in the UK once you are registered with our partner recruitment agencies is to keep the arrival date (travel plans) on your file up to date. If you have just arrived when you register for your travel plans choose “I am in the UK”.

Most people give approximate dates when they first register with agencies. This is highly recommended as it helps agencies to understand your plans.

However, as the time draws closer to your arrival date - you will gain a big advantage by updating your file. Keeping your file up to date sends out a clear message – you are arriving soon and you want work!

Keeping your visa, travel email, travel plans and current resume up-to date is also important.

Other Tips

  • Visit the Workgateways’ website from time to time so that you can apply for jobs or register to any new UK recruitment agencies who specialise in your area.
  • If you are travelling en route to the UK and your itinerary changes – no problem – just log-in and update your UK arrival date.
  • If you are in the UK already – it’s not too late – logon and select “I am in the UK” in from the “My Travel Details” section.
  • After you arrive in the UK, update your file with your UK contact number as soon as you have one! Even if it is your Grandmother’s home number, friend’s mobile or a hostel number – this is the most important time of your job search and you need to be contactable quickly.

What happens if I have plans to travel around for a while before arriving in the UK for work?

Good for you! It is common, and perhaps a good idea, to get the travel bug out of your system before you settle into working life in the UK. If you are planning to travel before you arrive in the UK be sure to enter this information when asked on your registration form.
You provide three essential dates: Departure Date, UK Arrival Date and Work Availability Date. If these dates change, and they usually will, no problem, just login and update. Changes are automatically updated for UK recruitment agencies with whom you are registered and they can then assist you accordingly.

I can’t remember my Username/Login to view and update my WORKgateways file.

You can be reminded of your WORKgateways username and login by emailing us.

How long will it take to find a job once I’m in the UK?

This is a common question; to which, unfortunately, there is no easy answer. This varies for everyone. It depends on your experience, the job market and your job competition, and can range from 1 day to a several weeks. However there is much you can do to minimise any wait for work! Read ‘How do I get the most out of Workgateways?’ If you want a more specific answer on your employability and estimation on how long it will take, the best way is to request feedback. We can only assist if you are

Who are WORKgateways’ UK partner recruitment agencies?

For the vast majority of working travellers finding employment in the UK is done through a UK recruitment agency. Many thousands of agencies recruit for almost every industry you can imagine.

However, only a few agencies provide an effective recruitment service for working travellers arriving from overseas. This is primarily due to the additional complexities involved in finding work for travellers such as work visas, arrival dates, travel plans etc.

That’s where WORKgateways and our partners come in. Some agencies love working travellers. These agencies are happy to deal with the differences, because they know at the end of the day, their clients are getting great people.

Workgateways deals with a handful of select agencies in each industry.

These are UK recruitment agencies and consultants that can help to make your UK working transition successful and enjoyable!

We love feedback (compliments or complaints!) about our service and that of our partners. Please email us.

What else can I do before I go?

Learn about UK Money issues such as Opening a UK Bank Account, your Expected Earnings, Cost of Living and Ltd Companies. Check out some helpful things to know before you get to the UK; finding short term Accommodation in London, Healthcare, and Transport. You can also receive our monthly e-newsletter and get employment updates and news from the world of travelling!

UK Recruitment Agencies

How does Workgateways work?

Workgateways is a leading working traveller solution. Our aim is to provide recruitment agencies with the best way to get access to this highly valuable candidate group before and after they arrive in the UK.

We do this by offering a variety of options to match the way your business works and the type of jobs for which you require candidates.

  • Bronze – Causal Jobs or Jobs Package
  • Silver – Sponsored Category Profile
  • Gold - Jobs Package and Profile
  • Platinum – Premium Partner (includes Gold)

When you become a registered partner of Workgateways, we provide candidates, with a work visa, who are arriving in the UK. Our targeted approach with flexible options mean you can attract candidates in a way that your business benefits most.

What are the benefits?

  • Targeted, cost-effective marketing and a tailored online solution that saves everybody time and saves your business money.
  • You can significantly increase the number of great overseas or returning Brits to whom your company has access, before they even arrive in the UK.
  • Important information such as work visas, location preference and availability date are addressed automatically.
  • Put your company foremost in the minds of candidates as they plan and prepare for their arrival in the UK!

How do we become a partner?

Please use our trial service if you are a company or recruitment agency that would like to see the candidates we can supply on an onging basis.

If you wish to discuss your needs and how they can be met, please complete our online registration form or send an email.

How much does it cost?

To make it easy and cost effective try our trial service.

You can purchase individual job postings (which last one month) for £35 each. 


Trial Job Postings


Before or after you make this purchase please use our registration form so we can serve your needs better.

Ultimately we like to work long term with our clients and WORKgateways provides a niche service, mixing good old-fashion human contact with an efficient and targeted online solution.

It is difficult to set ongoing costs online as we work to suit your company’s needs. We find it better to present solutions and rates. Please complete our online registration form or send an email and you will be contacted shortly.

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